As our family members begin to age significantly, we begin to see signs and symptoms of age related disease such as dementia. It can be difficult at first to recognize that a loved one is developing dementia, especially since the signs in men can be different and progress more slowly than for women. In this blog, we will discuss how to specifically recognize and respond to the onset and progression of dementia in men.
Early Signs of Dementia in Men
- Memory Loss: A common early sign is forgetting recent conversations or events. While long-term memory might seem unaffected, short-term memory often suffers, leading to instances like forgetting what was eaten for breakfast.
- Difficulty with Familiar Tasks: Men with early dementia might struggle with tasks they once performed easily, such as working a remote control, not remembering lists or navigating familiar routes.
- Language Problems: Challenges in communicating thoughts or finding the right words to express themselves can be an early sign of dementia in men. Forgetting important names and dates of friends and family members.
- Apathy and Mood Changes: A loss of interest in hobbies and activities, social withdrawal, and emotional instability like mood swings can indicate the onset of dementia.
- Disorientation: Forgetting one’s location, even in familiar settings like a grocery store, is a warning sign.
- Difficulty with Tasks and Decision Making: Challenges in completing tasks that require planning or organization, such as balancing a checkbook, and difficulties in making decisions or adapting to changes can be concerning.
- Deteriorated Judgment and Confusion: This can manifest in various ways, including trouble with numbers, spatial relationships, and social interactions.
- Physical Changes: Dementia can also present physical symptoms like loss of coordination or hearing, which can predispose someone to dementia.
How Dementia Can Impact Men
The onset of dementia can quickly make living independently difficult or impossible. Suddenly, simple life tasks such as making dinner or driving to doctor’s appointments will become frustrating & confusing. It is at this point that many adult children or caretakers of men with dementia make the decision to call RetireEase Senior Services for in-home support. Steve Parrott, owner, states “it is our “number 1” phone call that we receive for request of services. University Health News
However, moving to unfamiliar surroundings and completely changing routines causes more confusion, frustration, hurt, and anger for those who are suffering already with a great sense of loss of self. The solution is at-home care. RetireEase in-home caregivers provide the bridge needed to help extend independence while maintaining familiar surroundings and routines.
How In-Home Caregivers Can Help
In-home caregivers such as the professionals at Retire Ease Senior Services plays a pivotal role in supporting men with dementia. They can assist with daily activities, provide companionship, and offer respite for family members. The personalized care and attention they provide can significantly improve the quality of life for men with dementia.
Contact us at for a free in-home consultation. We can help to answer all of your questions and give you the information that you need to make the best decisions for next steps.